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2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'stock market jobs'|Housing, Jobs, and the Stock Market Agree to Disagree

About 'stock market jobs'|Housing, Jobs, and the Stock Market Agree to Disagree

The               9-11               terrorist               attack               had               a               profound               impact               on               the               economy               of               NY               City,               Washington               DC               and               the               nation.

Labor               markets,               financial               markets,               transportation               and               small               businesses               were               dramatically               affected.

According               to               the               Report               to               Congress               on               Economic               Effects               of               9/11               published               in               2002,               "The               9/11               attack               dislocated,               disrupted               and               destroyed               nearly               18,000               businesses               in               and               around               WTC...Economic               disruption               quickly               spread               to               countless               firms               across               the               U.S."               In               attacks               of               this               magnitude               small               businesses               are               more               vulnerable.
               A               June               2004               study               by               the               Bureau               of               Labor               Statistics               highlighted               the               productivity               loss               in               New               York               City.

"Within               the               city,               the               attack               resulted               in               about               430,000               loss               job               months               and               loss               in               wages               of               $               2.8               billion.

These               lost               job               months               were               equivalent               to               approximately               143,000               jobs               each               month,               for               three               months.

The               effect               of               9/11               was               centered               on               city's               'export'               economy,               which               represented               68               percent               of               all               lost               job               months               and               86               percent               of               all               lost               wages."
               A               study               conducted               by               the               New               York               Foundation               of               the               Arts               found               that               of               the               150,000               artists               and               entertainers               in               the               NY               City               22%               respondents               became               unemployed;               66%               lost               sales/income;               69%               lost               business               opportunities/independent               contractor               jobs.
               Immediately               after               9/11               according               to               a               number               of               reports,               Boards               of               Directors               of               scores               of               American               companies               handed               out               millions               of               bargain-priced               stock               options               to               their               top               executives.

Ninety               one               companies               that               didn't               regularly               grant               stock-options               in               September               did               so               in               the               first               two               weeks               following               the               terror               attack.

They               were               worth               about               $               325               million.

The               terrorist               attack               shut               the               stock               market               for               days.

When               it               reopened               on               September               17,               the               stock               market               had               slid               more               than               14%               over               five               days,               in               the               worst               full               week               for               the               Dow               Jones               Industrial               average               since               Germany               invaded               France               in               May               1940.(The               Big               Picture               Post-9-11               Option               Grants               Under               Scrutiny.htm)
               The               Big               Picture               Post-9-11               Option               Grants               Under               Scrutiny.htm
               Know               More               Media               Economic               Impact               of               9-11               Attacks               Still               Resonates.htm

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      ...online and offline.Here we deal with various earning streams like blogging,Stock exchange investment and may other easy but risky money making ideas....
      make instant cash daily into your liberty reserve, get involved various online finance, job opportunities, like pay per post and forex. We give daily news on finance and stock markets.
      Mortgage rates and stock markets rose last week in response to a strong jobs report and lower national unemployment rate. The Dow Jones Index reached record levels last week.

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